Wednesday 11 September 2013

Chicks go Bollywood!

Hey, Good morning my dear readers, and a very early morning to me as i hear the silence in the air, somewhere a little cuckoo bird singing in a hope that the world would wake up listening to its sweet voice.. well, cuckoo bird, im up! :)
Talking about birds, there is a particular story i wanted to share with you. You might have seen a similar one in my previous posts, Just born, but, this one is about a bit adult ones, someone like my parents.
This one is about their undying love towards each other, a strong bond grown with them, Bollywood Style! ;)


My dad, my hero, epitome of simplicity, always wears a scarf or a piece of cloth around his head calling himself as 'Mannina maga', which means, son of the earth, basically posing himself as a peasant!

My mother, my inspiration, her vibrant personality shown everywhere, including her dressing! Loves jewellery, loves dressing up.

Hence begins their love story..

 While they continue with their romantic journey, its time i continue with my everyday life. See you guys! :)