Thursday 5 September 2013

Rolling stone gathers no mass

But rolling paper does! and how!
Yup, Another repurpose/ recycled art.

Oh i wish it was so easy as i said.. the journey started with hunting magazines and that too, colorful ones with lot of pictures! After sorting all out, which took me almost 5-6 hrs, folding was yet another task. Deciding on which side to fold, sorting out the colors accordingly, i thought i was almost done, only rolling was left.

That's where i got stuck. Thats when i realized how messy the project was going to be with glue all over the place. Thats when i almost decided to just chuck the whole project.

Then a thought came over. A thought which had a chance of saving and giving a new meaning to my effort for the past days of folding and sorting.
The thought of making the project glue less!
Stapling--no, sewing--oh no, how about containing it? like in a frame?--may be.
frame.. wooden frames.. wire frames.. paper frames..Tissue roll frames! Oh yeah! 

Cut the tissue rolls into thin strips, and pack in the rolled paper so tight that it doesn't even think of peeping out. There you go.

Tissue paper rolls, saved the day, saved the art! :D

By the way, tissue paper roll, saved my another project too.. will write about it soon..
Until then, Happy rolling! :D

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