Wednesday 28 August 2013

The jute vase next to the doily inspired rocks..

As i mentioned in the previous post, here it is, the jute vase next to my Doily rocks.. havent read that post? click here  and you will know what i am talking about.. :)
I love to re-invent, re-create, the very basic things revolving in our life. Sometimes it gets so unnoticed, we forget about the importance of its existence in the first place. One of the examples for me, is jute. Since my child hood, i have seen jute being used as those huge jute bags, in which we buy a lot of rice and other pulses. Or, for just tying something, using it as fencing for our vegetable patches, etc.
But can jute could made into something beautiful? Now i know. 

 After finishing the vase, i wanted to deck it up a bit, make it look all nice, i filled up the core of it with the light garlands, so that the design looks more prominent.
Oh, I love these light garlands that you usually get during christmas time!
It just makes anything look so beautiful! Hang it on a wall, wrap around a tree, a stick, and you know for sure its gonna look really good. Like this Yarn Floor lamp i made..and yes im sure to write about it too.. :)


  1. Is there a vase inside it? How is it holding its shape?

    1. oh, no no, stiffness of the jute is holding the shape for some extent,and i had to fill it a bit with some old news paper.. ;)
